WYN Foods

Poultry Perfection

About Us

Our Mission

Why we do what we do?

We are passionate about driving the increase of high quality, locally produced chicken. We are aware of our current economy and recognise our potential to positively contribute to and endorse rural employment; improved environmental sustainability; long-term food security; better food quality and safety. It is through our passion that we are committed to opportunities for transformation, job creation and industry expansion.


Wynberg Chicken employs 72 people from it's local township as conscious effort of socio-economic responsibility and sustainability. Our people are trained and adhere to the necessary health, food handling and processing standards.

Our robust management team has more than 40 years combined experience in the poultry industry making their contribution invaluable.

The company has a fleet of trucks for deliveries and continues to grow this in line with our expansion .

Our Clients

Wynberg Chicken supplies a range of fresh and frozen poultry products to a wide variety of retailers, wholesalers, restaurants and other food servicing and catering channels. We accommodate small business owners and serve the public through our Chicken shop located on our premises.


We Care about your needs

The factory is routinely inspected and audited by the Department of Health as part of their Hygiene Assessment System (HAS), which is based on meat hygiene standards laid out in The Meat Hygiene Act 40 of 1953 as well as The HealthAct (ActNo.61of2003) which are the Regulations governing general hygiene requirements for Food Premises and the Transport of Food.

Wynberg Chicken is Halaal certified by NIHT and currently in the process of being endorsed by the South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA).